I mix psychotherapy & power of hypnosis to connect the conscious and subconscious mind in order to move clients forward towards their goals. Through therapy you’ll creating room and space to think and be. You already know the solution but maybe don’t have the confidence to access it or don’t believe you deserve to. I simply help you to go there and unlock that power within yourself.
You can expect quick results. I want to get you to your goal as soon as possible. We won’t focus on the problem but turn the intention and attention on how you want your life day by day to be. Imagination is a playful and wonderful thing and when channelled in the right way it creates change, from the smallest of steps to the most gigantic of leaps.
We’ll work together to create to change patterns in your brain and wire positive circuits that better serve you and your wellbeing.
Through this investment you’re laying the foundations for a more positive and solution focused life in the long term. This is a place where you’ll not be overrun by reactive emotions but where you can draw on the well of resilience inside of you and have complete confidence you can cope with anything and you will
In this free and no obligation initial session (50 mins) we’ll explore how hypnotherapy can help you. I’ll be gathering some information and explaining how the brain works and reacts. From this session you’ll walk away with a better understanding of hypnotherapy and how we’ll be working together. You’ll also take away a free recording to use in your own time to help ensure progress outside of the therapy room.
Working with Helen has been a life changing experience. A phrase that can be so cliché but so true. I've suffered with severe depression and anxiety and over the course of 5 years, whilst that's been accompanied with binge-eating I put on 8 stone. It was a horrendous time and whilst my mental health has been so much better, the binge eating has stuck. It's been a deep-rooted issue and something I've tried to tackle many times. Hypnotherapy with Helen has been a truly eye-opening experience. We haven't focused on my eating barely at all, but rather looking at solutions to make my general happiness improve. Hypnotherapy is very solution focused, so to not see another therapist to drag up the past has been so refreshing. Helen's sensitivity around my illness and issues has been unrivaled, and her genuine passion for helping and getting excited when I've had breakthroughs has made it such a warming experience. It's been a journey I've really had the pleasure to share with her. Now that I feel I'm at the end of my time, Helen has enabled me to make so many positive changes to my life, many small, manageable changes that have all added up to a healthier and happier me. Not only this, but the tools to identify negative behaviours or things in my life and to be pro-active, having a whole new out look and mind set that can last a lifetime. I will forever be grateful to Helen, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you! :)
Last year I was stressed out. My ten-year relationship had ended, my business was struggling, staff were unmotivated, a senior staff member relocated back home to the other side of the world and my finances were in disarray. I felt over burgeoned, could not see the wood for the trees and felt for the first time in my life totally lost, very sad and bordering on depression.
Even though I regularly do meditation I found lying still for our first session very difficult with my mind flitting between my numerous on-going life problems. To be honest I thought Helen had no chance of hypnotising me and was preparing myself some way in to have to let her know. However I remember coming round as I heard her voice counting down. I cannot recall where I had gone only that I felt I had more energy and that something had cleared.
Obviously my troubles were not overcome in one session however Helen patiently week on week took note of what I done and achieved whilst asking what I would most like to address in the forthcoming week. She helped me break down the mass of noise and problems in my head into solvable actions with single measurable goals for each. At all times Helen listened patiently and with care, constantly reminding me of the advancements and achievements that I had made each week.
Within a course of eight weeks and eight sessions I had gone from being depressed and lost to back on top of my game, running new and energised teams at work, motivating not only myself but my entire staff. Helen also helped with my breakup by giving me exercises outside of the session on which to concentrate and advert my mind from the pain of the loss. This made a massive difference in how I looked at my life and enabled me to springboard into positive action.
I cannot recommend Helen and the work she does enough. Both her personal self and her skills enabled me to regain my life and turn what seemed like a hopeless situation into something really positive. I have come to the conclusion too that even if you have no current obvious issues you should use her work as a tool to achieve even better results in your own personal and work life, I most certainly do.